Our Dental Blog

Creating Your Porcelain Veneers

February 12, 2020

Do you have one or more issues with the appearance of your smile? If you have problems with shape, color, and even alignment, then you may benefit from the placement of porcelain veneers. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist discusses how we create veneers and help improve the overall beauty of smiles in our community!


The Cosmetic Benefits

A veneer actually covers the front and sides of the teeth when placed, which means instant improvements to the shape and color of your smile! If you have permanent teeth stains, the kind that don’t respond to teeth whitening procedures, we can easily mask these stains. We can also lengthen worn down teeth and provide repair for minor chips and cracks. Treatment could address misshapen teeth and also close unsightly gaps between them. For those with minor misalignment, we can correct the appearance of your smile’s alignment without requiring braces or other orthodontics.

Creating and Placing Your Restorations

To ensure a comfortable fit and proper restoration, we will custom-make each one for our patients. We start by removing a thin layer of outer enamel from the teeth. Next, we take a series of impressions using advanced technology, using them to design and craft your cosmetic restorations. When complete, we can check the fit and make any necessary adjustments. Finally, we place them with a powerful bonding agent, the same used to secure crowns and other restorations. The entire process only takes two visits and can help improve the overall beauty of your smile.

Keeping Them Bright

While porcelain contains stain-resistant properties, that doesn’t mean they’re immune to stains. Unless you practice good oral hygiene, discoloration could form. In addition, the teeth they’re attached to are still vulnerable to tooth decay, infection, and even gum disease. So again, routine care is necessary to safeguard them and help them last for decades to come. We suggest brushing your teeth when you wake up and again before going to bed for two minutes. Use a fluoride toothpaste too! Be sure you floss as well when going to bed. Visiting our office for a checkup and cleaning every six months helps us monitor your smile as a whole, and also remove plaque and tartar that could threaten your natural teeth and repaired ones. If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, or about restoring your smile, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

Our team would like to help you enjoy a brighter and more attractive smile with a unique and custom restoration. To learn more about our cosmetic solutions, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.