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We’re Answering FAQs About Dental Implants

September 26, 2017

Losing a tooth as an adult can be traumatic and much less fun than losing a tooth as a child. Tooth loss as an adult can lead to a change in your appearance, potential bone loss in the jaw, and a diminished ability to bite, chew, and talk. Restoring a lost tooth with a dental implant can help prevent some of these changes, but it can also be a big decision. Your dentist will happily talk through any questions you may have, but we are answering some of the most common and frequently asked questions about dental implants

How Much Does a Dental Implant Cost and Will My Insurance Cover It?

The cost will vary based on your specific needs. Your dentist will assess your unique situation to get you what you need while working with you to limit the financial burden. Insurance companies and policies vary on implant coverage.

How Long Do Implants Last?

A dental implant is designed to last a lifetime. Caring for your implant like you would for your regular teeth may ensure that they maintain durability and last as long as the rest of your smile.

Is There Special Care Needed for an Implant?

The short answer is no. The care you take to maintain your oral health like brushing and flossing twice daily is just as important when caring for an implant. Gum disease can cause problems for implants, so it is important to keep that at bay. Routine visits to your dentist are important, so that they can check the condition of the implant and the restoration. Routine visits mean at least twice a year.

Can I Get a Same-Day Implant?

There is a same-day implant option that can eliminate the potential months-long wait between implant placement and restoration. Situations and needs may vary.

Am I a Candidate for a Dental Implant?

Talk to Dr. Lucaci or a team member at Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City to discuss if dental implants are right for you and your smile. To schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.