Our Dental Blog

Protecting (And Preserving) Your Smile With a Custom Mouthguard featured image
September 16, 2020

Protecting (And Preserving) Your Smile With a Custom Mouthguard

We often help address multiple oral health concerns, and even safeguard teeth against injury, with a custom mouthguard. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO,.
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Schedule Your Exam and Cleaning Visit Soon featured image
September 11, 2020

Schedule Your Exam and Cleaning Visit Soon

We always urge our patients to see us about once every six months for a checkup and cleaning. While these visits may not seem very.
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Stay Comfortable With Dental Sedation featured image
September 9, 2020

Stay Comfortable With Dental Sedation

We often find that our patients with dental anxiety put off even routine care due to concerns about past experiences, or as a result of.
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A Straighter Smile With Clear Braces™ featured image
September 4, 2020

A Straighter Smile With Clear Braces™

Did you know we have a cosmetic alternative to metal braces? If you have crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth, then we can help reposition them.
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Affordable Dental Treatment With Smile Club featured image
September 2, 2020

Affordable Dental Treatment With Smile Club

We know that one major roadblock for people eager to obtain healthier (and brighter) smiles is cost. Your Kansas City, MO, dentist has always tried.
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Don’t Ignore an Aching Tooth featured image
April 15, 2020

Don’t Ignore an Aching Tooth

While we’re closed for most procedures, our team is still here to provide residents of Kansas City, MO, and surrounding communities with emergency treatments. Which.
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Keeping Your Family’s Smiles Safe From Home featured image
April 13, 2020

Keeping Your Family’s Smiles Safe From Home

Now that you’re spending more time home, and attending checkups and cleanings isn’t possible, your homecare routine is essential for safeguarding your smile from cavities,.
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Should I Still Have My Tooth Extracted? featured image
April 10, 2020

Should I Still Have My Tooth Extracted?

Your Kansas City, MO, dentist is currently not offering treatment for issues related to preventive, general, and cosmetic dentistry. However, we’re still addressing emergency situations.
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Let’s Address Your Wisdom Teeth This Summer! featured image
June 5, 2019

Let’s Address Your Wisdom Teeth This Summer!

For teens approaching adulthood, the arrival of the wisdom teeth could mean serious complications, such as misalignment and severe discomfort. With summer break here, now.
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Schedule a Summer Hygiene Visit for Your Family featured image
June 3, 2019

Schedule a Summer Hygiene Visit for Your Family

Summer is the perfect time to schedule a visit for your family. You no longer have to worry about your kids missing school or conflicts with.
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