Our Dental Blog

We’re Answering Questions About Teeth Whitening featured image
May 6, 2019

We’re Answering Questions About Teeth Whitening

If you want a brighter smile, you may be tempted to purchase over-the-counter solutions, such as whitening strips or toothpastes. While these do offer brighter.
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Looking for Fun Events in Kansas City? featured image
May 3, 2019

Looking for Fun Events in Kansas City?

We sometimes like to take a little break from our usual topics on dental hygiene and smile care, to talk about Kansas City, MO. We.
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Do Your Wisdom Teeth Need Extraction? featured image
May 1, 2019

Do Your Wisdom Teeth Need Extraction?

What do you know about wisdom teeth? Simply put, these are additional teeth that don’t arrive until a person reaches his or her late teens or.
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When Does a Patient Need Oral Surgery? featured image
April 29, 2019

When Does a Patient Need Oral Surgery?

For some problems, we may offer treatment using a filling or a custom crown. But what if you have issues with loss of jawbone density, or.
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Want to Know if Dental Implants Really Are Your Best Option? featured image
April 26, 2019

Want to Know if Dental Implants Really Are Your Best Option?

Tooth loss isn’t something most people worry about until it happens, but even when it does, not everyone realizes the profound impacts it can have.
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Do Children Need Preventive Care? featured image
April 24, 2019

Do Children Need Preventive Care?

Instead of simply addressing problems when they arise, why wouldn’t you take steps to avoid possible trouble? That’s our approach to dentistry, whether for adults.
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Dealing With Dental Discoloration featured image
November 7, 2018

Dealing With Dental Discoloration

One of the main causes of someone’s insecurity about their smile’s appearance is dental discoloration. Dental discoloration can include an overall yellow or dull appearance,.
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Surprising Signs of TMJ Disorder featured image
November 5, 2018

Surprising Signs of TMJ Disorder

TMJ disorder is a disorder of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) of your jaw. The symptoms and signs of the disorder that are probably not surprising.
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Link Between Diabetes and Your Smile featured image
November 2, 2018

Link Between Diabetes and Your Smile

November is National Diabetes Month in America. The purpose of the designated month is to bring awareness to all types of the disease: Type 1,.
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Debunking 3 Myths About Dentures featured image
October 31, 2018

Debunking 3 Myths About Dentures

Dentures are one of the oldest forms of dental prosthetic. Versions of dentures have been found from archaeologist from thousands of years ago. Being around.
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