Our Dental Blog

Health Benefits of a Straight Smile featured image
October 15, 2018

Health Benefits of a Straight Smile

It is common for people to believe that misaligned teeth are solely a cosmetic issue. You may believe that overlapping crooked teeth are only an.
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Kansas City’s Fall Festivals featured image
October 12, 2018

Kansas City’s Fall Festivals

Autumn in Kansas City is a beautiful time to get outdoors. Because of the beautiful skies, there are lots of fall festivals in the area..
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Are You Considering Porcelain Veneers? featured image
October 10, 2018

Are You Considering Porcelain Veneers?

If you are considering porcelain veneers for your smile, you may already know that they are very thin shells of porcelain that are custom designed.
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Trick-Or-Treating: Is Candy a Must? featured image
October 8, 2018

Trick-Or-Treating: Is Candy a Must?

Halloween is just a few weeks away. If you have walked around the grocery stores in Kansas City, MO, you have already seen all the.
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The Importance of a Comfortable Dental Visit featured image
October 5, 2018

The Importance of a Comfortable Dental Visit

Dental anxiety is incredibly common in America. People fear going to the dentist and that fear keeps them from getting essential dental care. At Cosmetic.
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Oktoberfest and More KC Fun featured image
October 3, 2018

Oktoberfest and More KC Fun

October in Kansas City, MO is just an all-around fun time of the year! The weather is great with a crisp fall breeze in the.
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When Was Your Last Dental Exam? featured image
September 28, 2018

When Was Your Last Dental Exam?

An average rule of thumb for patients on how often they need to visit the dentist is twice a year or once every six months..
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Managing Gum Disease: Why? featured image
September 28, 2018

Managing Gum Disease: Why?

According to the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of adult Americans have some stage of gum disease. The roots of the.
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Your Smile Is Linked to Your Health featured image
September 26, 2018

Your Smile Is Linked to Your Health

People can often disassociate the mouth’s health from the rest of the body’s health. This could be because you go to a dentist for one.
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KC Fun Events This Week featured image
September 24, 2018

KC Fun Events This Week

Autumn has officially arrived. Kansas City, MO is a beautiful place to enjoy the fall. There are pumpkins everywhere and lots of fun events. This.
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