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Managing Gum Disease: Why?

September 28, 2018

According to the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of adult Americans have some stage of gum disease. The roots of the word “periodontal” are “around” and “tooth,” and periodontal disease means inflammation and infection around the tooth. Gum disease affects the gum tissues and bones that support your teeth. Periodontitis (the advanced form of gum disease) is the number one cause of tooth loss. While the earliest stage of gum disease (known as gingivitis) can be reversed, the later stages cannot be. The later stages of gum disease must be managed in an effort to prevent smile problems (like tooth loss) and lower the risk of serious diseases. Most people are unaware that they have gum disease until their dentist points it out to them or until the problem becomes so serious that it is noticeable.

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Preventing Smile Problems

Gum disease occurs when there becomes a significant buildup of plaque and tartar along the gum lines. The bacteria-filled buildup can irritate the tissues causing them to become inflamed. Eventually the gums can become so irritated that they begin to recede away from the teeth creating larger pockets where more bacteria can build up. Managing gum disease is often done through scaling and root planing. Scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning process where bacteria is removed from beneath the gums and along the roots of the teeth. Keeping bacteria clear from the area can decrease the chances of smile problems like tooth loss, chronic bad breath, bleeding gums, and gum recession.

Mitigating Health Risks

Periodontal disease is linked to some serious health issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, bacterial pneumonia, and more. Gum disease can also increase the risk of complications and issues during pregnancy. Managing gum disease with your dentist can help to lower these risks to your overall health.

Is Gum Disease Affecting Your Smile?

Advanced stages of gum disease cannot be cured, but they can be managed. To schedule a consultation, call Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, today at 816-427-4018. We have built a practice where you can feel comfortable and at ease during every visit.