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Are You Prepared for Cold/Flu Season?

November 12, 2018

Cold and flu season happens every year around this time. Because both the flu and colds are very contagious, once some people start to get them, it can spread easily. In Kansas City, MO, the 2017 flu season came on strong with widespread breakout in the area. One of the biggest ways you can prepare for the season is to get your flu shot. More important even than getting a flu shot to protect yourself, it helps to minimize the outbreak for people who may not be able to get immunized (the very young, those with health reasons, or the elderly). We have also listed a few other common sense ways to help you become prepared for cold and flu season.

a couple sneezing

Wash Your Hands

Think about everything that your hands touch throughout the day. Now think about how many of those things that someone with a contagious cold or flu virus may have also touched. Washing your hands frequently throughout the day will help minimize the amount of germs you may be accumulating throughout the day. It is also very important to wash your hands before beginning your oral hygiene routine. You want to make sure that any germs on your hand do not get on your floss or toothbrush before using them.

Keep Non-Food Away From Your Mouth

For some of us, it can feel like a habit to put our hands to our mouth (another reason to frequently wash your hands). If you have a habit like biting your nails, you are probably touching your mouth more often. Biting your nails, chewing on a pencil, or other similar things can spread germs to your mouth. These types of habits can also increase your risk of breaking your teeth or causing damage to your lips, gums, or tongue.

Stock up on Supplies

Most cold and flu supplies, like tissue, over-the-counter medicine, throat drops, Vitamin C, soup, and tea, are non-perishable. This means that you can have them on hand before sickness strikes!

Cold and Flu Season Is Here

There are some things you can do to try to stay healthy this cold and flu season. To schedule a consultation, call Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.