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Implants in a Single Day

December 4, 2020
dental implants

When you lose a tooth, or if you lose several, then you will have to receive a prosthetic. For a stronger and longer-lasting option, your Kansas City, MO, dentist may recommend implant dentistry. While the process could take months to complete, with a space of time between the implant placement and restoration, we could also complete the entire process in only one visit!

Placing Your New Roots

Unlike traditional bridges and dentures, which need crowns or clasps and suction to stay in place, dental implants are free-standing like natural teeth. The implant post is inserted into the jawbone like an actual root. Being made from biocompatible titanium enables it to bond with the jawbone through a process known as osseointegration. We may place one for an individual missing tooth, or several to secure a bridge or denture. The resulting prosthetic doesn’t need removal for cleaning and is fixed in place for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime.

Restoring Your Smile With a Crown or Prosthetic

Typically, once we insert the new roots there is a waiting period for osseointegration to take place, which could mean waiting between three and four months before addressing the visible portion of your new tooth or teeth. Fortunately, for many patients, we can complete the entire process in only one sitting. After we insert the posts, we then attach one or more abutments. We use them to secure a crown for an individual implant or to secure a bridge or denture for people with more severe cases of tooth loss. You leave in the same visit with a complete smile, and the ability to smile with confidence!

Preserving Your New Smile

A dental implant stimulates the growth of jawbone tissue, which prevents the loss of mass and density in the jawbone that often follows untreated tooth loss. As a result, you have the potential to enjoy a lifetime of tooth replacement. Wirth crown-secured bridges or removable dentures, replacement is often necessary every five years as the jaw ridge changes shape. To help ensure your new smile lasts, you need to practice good oral hygiene from home, including eating a healthy diet and taking time to brush and floss daily. We also suggest a visit every six months for an exam and dental cleaning too, so we can help you enjoy a smile that fills you with pride. If you have any questions, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Implant Dentistry?

Our team wants to help you enjoy a healthy smile, and one that looks great, by replacing missing teeth with lifelike dental implants, often in just one sitting! To learn more about addressing one or more missing teeth, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.