Our Dental Blog

Creating A Filling That Is Safe For Everyone

March 17, 2021
dental filling

Instead of using metal to treat your cavities, your Kansas City, MO, dentist may suggest one made with composite resin. A metal-free restoration is not only attractive in appearance, but is safe for people of all ages. In today’s blog, we’re going to look at how we treat tooth decay and help you smile with comfort and confidence again!

Metal-Free Composite Resin

Metal is an effect means of treating tooth decay, however, amalgam fillings often contain trace amounts of ceramic, which make them unsafe for pregnant women, young children, and some elderly patients, as well as those with metal allergies. With composite resin, we have a completely metal-free option that is safe for people of all ages. The material is a blend of glass and acrylic particles, one that never changes shape with time and can be color-matched to blend with the rest of your tooth structure. We also use the material in our bonding procedures, in which we offer cosmetic repair in only one visit.

Treating Cavities

If you have an aching tooth, let us know right away. We will examine your smile to see if you have a cavity. If you attend six-month checkups, there will likely identify the issue before you ever experience discomfort. Treatment involves administering a numbing agent and then removing all decay from the tooth. We then add the composite resin material and as the material cures under a light, we sculpt and mold the tooth. The final step involves polishing the tooth fort a more attractive appearance. The entire process only takes one visit to complete, and helps prevent the onset of infection and worsening discomfort.

Cavity Prevention

What can be done to prevent cavities from occurring? Well, you should try to consume fewer foods and drinks high in sugar and starch, as the particles left behind feed harmful oral bacteria. Also, be sure you brush and floss daily to remove stray food particles and control the severity of plaque buildup. Every six months, take time to see us for a checkup and cleaning, so we can watch for the earliest signs of demineralization, and also remove all plaque and tartar before enamel is weakened and eroded. With these steps, you help lower the risk of not only cavities, but also gingivitis, infection, gum disease, bad breath, and even discoloration. If you have any questions about treating cavities in one visit with our tooth-colored composite resin fillings, or about avoiding cavities altogether, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Our Dental Fillings?

We want to help treat your tooth decay and protect your smile from the onset of infection or tooth loss. To learn more about how we diagnose and treat tooth decay, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.