Our Dental Blog

Placing Your Dental Implants Same-Day

December 9, 2021
Detail of a false tooth implant fixed in the jaw

Dental implants don’t always take months to place and restore. In some cases, we can address a single missing tooth or secure a complete set of dentures with dental implants in one visit. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist talks about how we address tooth loss and protect your smile from complications.

The Placement and Restoration Process

What makes them so different from other prosthetic options is that they don’t rely on clasps, suction, or crowns to stay in place. Instead, we insert a titanium post into the jaw through oral surgery. Since the post is made from a biocompatible material, it will bond with the jawbone and be secured like a natural root. This helps preserve the jawbone and prevents the gradual breakdown that usually follows untreated tooth loss. Once the placement area heals, we will attach an abutment that extends above the gum line. The abutment is what allows us to attach the custom-made restoration, the part people see when you smile. We could also use several posts to secure a fixed denture too.

Same-Day Tooth Loss Solutions

Typically, there is a waiting period between placement and restoration, as the healing process could take several months to complete. However! In some cases, we can insert the implants into the jawbone, and affix restorations or a prosthetic in the same visit. You leave with a complete smile, without waiting. There are a number of factors in qualifying for this option, including the strength of your jawbone, the factors behind your tooth loss, and the state of your oral health. We will help carefully examine your smile to decide if you benefit from the same-day process.

The Benefits of Treating Tooth Loss

Addressing your missing teeth with implant dentistry means that you gain new teeth that look and function like natural ones, so you can smile with confidence and eat your favorite foods again. In addition, this preserves your jawbone and prevents the breakdown that could cause further tooth loss or an aging appearance. Your new smile will be easy to care for, and could last decades or even a lifetime in some cases. Don’t let your quality of life and oral health suffer from tooth loss, talk to our team about a strong and lifelike solution. If you have any questions, then let us know today. We would love to start treatment before the year ends so you can put your remaining dental insurance benefits to use.

Do You Have Questions About Implant Dentistry?

We want to help you enjoy a complete smile again with new teeth, one that looks and functions like natural teeth. To learn more about how we address issues like missing teeth, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.