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Tooth Bonding: The Cosmetic Solution for Chipped Teeth

May 8, 2019

We prescribe cosmetic dental procedures for more than just stained teeth. In fact, we often repair minor damage in as little as one visit with tooth bonding. When should you talk to your Kansas City, MO, dentist about repairing teeth, and what benefits will the bonding process offer? What makes addressing a chipped tooth such an urgent dental issue?

Tooth bonding

The Causes and Risks of a Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth is a frequent issue we encounter, as teeth may become damaged as a result of falling, sustaining a sports-related injury, or even biting down on a hard piece of food. If the issue appears minor and you’re tempted to just ignore it, don’t! Even minor damage could potentially expose the inner layers of dentin. If bacteria can reach these layers, a cavity forms and a tooth may eventually become infected. To avoid discomfort, we can repair the tooth, which also improves your smile’s appearance in the process.

Repair With Cosmetic Bonding

Try to bring any pieces of the tooth you can with you. If you can’t, we will still be able to repair the tooth. In route to the office, a cold compress against the side of the face could stop swelling, and a bit of cloth or gauze could control bleeding. You may also take a pain reliever. We will begin by cleaning the tooth thoroughly and then preparing the bonding material. We employ composite resin, a metal-free blend of acrylic and glass that looks natural and offers durable repair. We apply the material in several layers to reflect enamel’s translucent properties. We shape and mold the tooth as the material cures under a light. Finally, we polish the tooth to offer a more lifelike appearance. The entire process only takes one visit to complete, offering you a repaired and natural looking smile.

Protecting Your Smile

Following treatment, consider taking steps to avoid chips in the future. For example, if you play sports, always wear a mouthguard. You can pick up a boil-and-bite one from a sporting goods store, or talk to your dentist about creating a custom-made one. The mouthguard helps protect the tooth from injury, limiting the risk of cracks or chips. Also, try to avoid chewing on objects such as pencils or pens, and avoid ice. If you have any questions about repairing chipped teeth, or about safeguarding your smile, then please contact our team today.

Do You Have a Chipped Tooth?

Using cosmetic dentistry, we’re prepared to repair minor damage and restore the health, function, and beauty of your smile. To learn more about our bonding and contouring procedures, then please schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.