Lift Your Confidence With Cosmetic Betterment
A troublesome smile can make you feel constantly self-conscious about the way you look. Since your smile is more noticeable when you speak up, you may be less likely to be proactive at work or in social situations. In this manner, aesthetic dental issues can hold you back as an individual.
There is attainable change through cosmetic dentistry from Dr. Lucaci in Kansas City, MO. You deserve a smile that works for you. Speak with us about the ways we can help you to live a more confident existence through a better smile. Improve your self-esteem with a level of oral health that matches your capability. Your dental improvement is just around the corner, from durable enamel enhancement to speedy touchups. Discover a brighter and more even smile with Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City!
Quick Repairs and Improvement Can Yield Massive Results
Many patients seek cosmetic enhancement of their smile, but do not want the invasiveness of surgery. If this sounds like you, do not reach immediately to over-the-counter solutions. Sometimes these can do more harm than good. The experience and training of a qualified dentist can help you to avoid the harms of going it alone with your cosmetic dentistry.
Teeth whitening is an area where you can actually cause damage while attempting to restore your self-confidence. The use of harsh bleaching agents can leech minerals from the enamel and leave you susceptible to future risk. Allow a trained dentist to keep a close eye on the development of your whitening procedure. Help maintain the strength of your enamel during this process.
Porcelain Veneers Restore Your Teeth in Both Style and Function
Another form of enamel enhancement is through the placement of porcelain veneers. These are durable ceramic caps that rest permanently atop your natural teeth. These actually have a Hollywood beginning, when a 1920s dentist by the name of Dr. Charles Pincus crafted a special set of prosthetic teeth for a movie. Over the last half-century, porcelain veneers have become a staple in the world of cosmetic dentistry.
Veneers also serve a distinct medical purpose, as well. If you break or crack a tooth, the soft interior known as the pulp can become exposed. Bacteria can begin to take hold within this more vulnerable matter. This situation can lead to a painful tooth infection that can require a root canal procedure. This is when your dentist surgically removes the pulp and seals the connection to the jaw with a plant-based putty. Veneers can help to prevent this infection before it occurs.
Look Wonderful With Cosmetic Dentistry in Kansas City, MO
Contact Cosmetic And Implant Dentistry in Kansas City, MO, today at (816)320-6638 to schedule an appointment for a cosmetic dentistry consultation. From teeth whitening and porcelain veneers to much more, come to us for your enamel repair and improvement!