Our Team Is Here for Emergency Dental Treatment
If you have damaged a tooth, or developed serious oral health concerns, like cavities or infection, then you need treatment to preserve your smile’s health and beauty. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist talks about our approach to emergency care, and when you should contact our team for treatment.

What Is a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency is any damage to the tooth, no matter how minor, such as a chips or cracks. Persistent pain, including tooth sensitivity and toothaches, could also indicate the presence of cavities or infection, and mean treatment is necessary to avoid worsening pain or the loss of the tooth altogether. Don’t ignore the signs and symptoms of damage or poor oral health, let us know so we can administer treatment and safeguard your smile.
Your Initial Response
For a damaged tooth, be sure to rinse your mouth with warm water and then use a washcloth or gauze to control the bleeding. A cold compress or ice pack placed against the sides of your face could reduce swelling too. If you chipped a tooth, see if you can recover any pieces and bring them with you wrapped in tissue or in a small container. If you can’t, don’t worry, we can still restore your smile. If a tooth is knocked-out altogether, the we suggest placing it in a glass of milk or salt water, and bring it with you to the office. You can also take a pain reliever! Contact our team so we can set up a time to see you and offer treatment to restore your smile. We may be able to repair damage in a single visit in some cases using fillings or cosmetic dental bonding. We also have custom-crowns and even tooth replacement options!
Ensuring Your Health and Safety
We will take steps to protect the health and safety of our patients when they visit our office. For example, we schedule appointments to ensure there isn’t more than one patient at one time in the office. We will also clean and disinfect surfaces in between each visit, including the door handles, waiting room surfaces the bathrooms, chairs, reception desk, and our tools. Our team members will frequently wash their hands too. If you have any questions about our treatment options, or about the steps we take to keep our patients and team members safe, then contact our team today.
Do You Have Questions About Emergency Dentistry?
We’re still available to address issues that could threaten your smile’s health and stability. To learn more about protecting your smile from home or our emergency treatment options, then schedule a consultation by calling Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry of Kansas City, MO, today at 816-427-4018.