October 20, 2022
A Non-surgical Apnea Approach
Many people have issues with their sleep that extend beyond the occasional snore. When your airway becomes obstructed, you may momentarily pause your breath until.

September 20, 2022
Your Jaw Can Ruin Sleep
Snoring is a very common occurrence, and for most people, it poses no true problem to your health. Besides annoying your significant other, it is.

February 10, 2022
A Custom Mouthguard Could Protect Your Smile
When you play sports, or if you grind your teeth, your smile could be at risk. To prevent damage and other complications, we recommend obtaining.

June 24, 2021
Better Oral Health With Our Custom Mouthguards
Our team offers custom mouthguards, which can be used to protect teeth from damage, or to address an array of common oral health issues, including teeth.

September 16, 2020
Protecting (And Preserving) Your Smile With a Custom Mouthguard
We often help address multiple oral health concerns, and even safeguard teeth against injury, with a custom mouthguard. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO,.

December 11, 2019
Protect Your Smile With Our Custom Mouthguards
You can easily buy a mouthguard at any sporting goods or big box store, but your Kansas City, MO, dentist offers something better: a custom mouthguard. Created.

January 4, 2019
3 Signs You Are Grinding Your Teeth
The habitual grinding of your teeth (also referred to as bruxism) often happens while you are sleeping. If something occurs while you are asleep, how.

November 6, 2017
Why Choose a Custom Mouthguard?
If you or your child participate in fall sports, a mouthguard should be worn during practice and games. The National Federation of State High School.
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