March 24, 2023
Prepare for Your Wisdom Teeth
Your smile is still developing during your teens and into early adulthood, through the growth of your third (and final) set of molars. These are.

August 25, 2021
Does a Tooth Ever Need to Be Extracted?
In our last blog, we talked about how treating an infection with a root canal could prevent the need for an extraction. But in today’s.

August 19, 2021
Could a Root Canal Prevent an Extraction?
When you have an infection in your smile, or an abscess, this could lead to major pain and also, the potential loss of your tooth..

June 30, 2021
Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?
There is a good chance that either you or someone you know has had their wisdom teeth removed. If you need to have the procedure.

March 24, 2021
Could a Tooth Extraction Protect Your Smile?
Sometimes issues arise that cannot be addressed with a crown or restoration. These issues could soon reach other teeth, and lead to major discomfort and.

November 20, 2020
Should Your Wisdom Teeth Be Extracted?
wisdom teeth.

February 28, 2020
Should My Wisdom Teeth Concern Me?
What do you know about wisdom teeth? While for some these extra molars could be no real cause for concern, others could see seriously negative.

December 30, 2019
The Benefits of a Dental Extraction
We always strive to help our patients in Kansas City, MO, and surrounding communities enjoy full and healthy smiles. Treatments can help prevent issues that.

December 4, 2019
Removing Your Wisdom Teeth Before the Holidays
For teens and people just starting adulthood, wisdom teeth can pose a serious risk, impacting everything from your smile’s health to overall appearance. In order to.

October 7, 2019
How Do We Extract Wisdom Teeth?
For our patients in their teen years, wisdom teeth pose a serious risk. Once they erupt, they could lead to poor oral health, misalignment, and.
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